This website and its content are provided for informational purposes only. The information on this website is neither an offer to sell nor an invitation to invest and does not constitute financial investment advice. No investment decision should be made based on the information provided on this website.

Investing in any fund mentioned on this website may involve a risk of capital loss due to economic and market risks. The value of an investment may increase or decrease, as well as the associated income. Past performance does not guarantee future performance.

For acquisitions under purchase agreements and those pending due diligence mentioned on this website, market fluctuations, including suspensive conditions with the preemptive rights of public entities and possibly tenants, as well as other conditions such as claims, make these acquisitions uncertain. Therefore, no investment decision should be made solely based on these acquisitions.

Potential investors should review all contractual documentation in its entirety and consult with their advisors before making any investment decision.

This communication on the website is intended solely for the person accessing it and is strictly confidential. The information on this website is confidential and exclusive and is intended for the exclusive use of the recipient(s) initially mentioned.

The content of this communication on the website should not be construed as legal, tax, or investment advice. The content is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities, futures contracts, options, fund shares, or any financial product or service, nor a recommendation to make an investment or transaction.


Investment in the Fund involves substantial risk. There is no guarantee of capital and no assurance that the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved, and investment results may vary considerably over time.

Investment in the Fund is not intended to constitute a complete investment program for any investor.

Investment in the Funds is intended for experienced investors who can understand and accept the risks involved.

A potential investor should be aware that any investment, and any income from an investment, may go down as well as up, that an investor’s capital is at risk, and that the investor may not recover the amount invested. Any investment is likely to result in a loss of capital.

An investment in the Company is highly speculative and involves risks that potential investors and their professional advisors should consider carefully before subscribing.